CDCCB never asks for your Card/PIN/OTP/CVV details on phone, message or email. Please do not click on links received on your email or mobile asking your Bank/Card details.   |   Attention Dear Customers, transaction OTP will be made mandatory for all ecommerce related transactions, hence please have your mobile number registered if the same has not been done until now

Branch Contact

S.No Branch Name Address Phone No Contact Person Mobile No
1 Head Office D C Office Road,Chitradurga-577501 08194-222546 Manjunath B M 9945705352
2 Town Branch Beside Taluk office,Chitradurga-577501 08194-222488 Sandeep K S 9448928819
3 Extension Branch D C Office Road,Chitradurga-577501 08194-223223 Dinesh H 8296526953
4 Sirigere Branch Sirigere-577541 08194-268830 Rudrappa L 9900882879
5 Challekere Branch Banglore Road,Challekere-577522 08195-222628 Sharanappa K 9449145835
6 Molkalmuru Branch Molakalmuru-577535 08198-229223 Jagadeesh O 9945836465
7 Holalkere Branch TAPCMS Building,Holalkere-577526 08191-275221 Shivakumar B S 9902143266
8 Chikjajur Branch Chikjajur-577523 08191-287539 Pradeep Kumar 9164919060
9 Hosdurga Branch Near Private Busstand,Hosadurga-577527 08199-230239 Basavaraj S N 9986404484
10 Hiriyuru Branch Near Govt Busstand,Hiriyur-577598 08193-263238 Satish Naik K 8088285895
11 Bharamasagara Branch P B Road,Bharamasagar-577519 08194-258299 Sarvamangala 8105068486
12 Nayakanahatti Branch Padagatta Road,Nayakanahatti-577542 08190-207277 Vinay Kumar N 9482070514
13 Srirampura Branch Huliyar Road,Srirampura-577536 08199-242888 Prashnath 9743535111
14 Rampura Branch Bellary Road,Rampura-577540 08199-267628 Hampareddy L 9590239242
15 Parashurampura Branch Pavagada Road,Parashurampura-577538 08195-254544 Honappa K 9590693311